It's not the Destination - It's how you get there.
Nothing expressed, furnished, or supplied by this site is, or implied to be, technical advice or services, or substitute for the advice and services of a qualified mechanic. No warranty, guarantee, representation as to its accuracy, is expressed or implied . Model A's are a fun hobby and we enjoy sharing whatever info we have gathered over the years. We have sometimes learned by mistakes and try to pass on what not to do. What we have learned the most to be true is that if you have a problem there is always a member willing to help, just ask.
We have a breakfast the first Tuesday of the month and then we have a tour of local areas planned. Check our calendar for events and locations.
The Old Dominion Model A Ford Club is an organization dedicated to the ownership, use, and support of the Model A Ford, produced from 1928 through 1931. We are affiliated with both Model A Ford National Organizations, the Model A Ford Club of America, (MAFCA) and the Model A Restorers Club (MARC).
Recently Celebrated our 64th year
Good people, decades of technical expertise, beautiful touring and show cars, projects in progress, interesting tours and meetings, and almost always – good food!
We pride ourselves with the diversity our club has to offer. Approximately 5 million Model "A" were built in 4 years and today there is an estimated 250,000 still in existence. Unfortunately not all are operational. We presently have a monthly newsletter the "Generator" which features tech tips, era fashion info, cars for sale and photos of recent trips.
MEETINGS TIME: PLACE: Normally the third Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM , Holiday Dogwood Terrace on 3 Chop Rd.
Some of our meetings may be relocated to other locations during special events.
Please check the calendar of Events